Words, Words, Words

What is it about words? They are the single most important thing to know in order to communicate effectively. Would you like to give your vocabulary a boost? Find out how to have access to the newest, most effective, and easiest way to build a stronger vocabulary, thereby leading to better reading comprehension, improved grades, and higher test scores, as well as change the way you present yourself to others forever.

Friday, November 10, 2006

How to Fall In Love with Words

What is it about words? It seems that most people either love them or hate them. As for me, I am in the "love" category. I have always loved words. Finding the perfect word to fit every occasion is a passion of mine. In high school, I took 3 foreign languages and was amazed to find that not only was I learning new languages, but I was also expanding my English vocabulary. I found the whole process endlessly fascinating. My husband, however, is just the opposite. While he took a foreign language, it was only to fulfill a requirement and was forgotten as soon as he finished the course. When we met, he was a man with only a basic vocabulary. I can remember his brother telling me one time, when my now husband and I were just beginning our relationship, that he always knew when I was mad because he couldn't understand what I was saying. This was not because I was trying to be ugly, or look smart, but because when I was angry I would forget to censor my words so that they wouldn't think I was being uppity or superior. (A good argument for not losing your temper!) But, isn't that what people think about you when they can't understand you? Is it fair for others to have to change who they are, so that you won't feel bad? No, but it happens. Now, here's the truth. I love my husband. I love his family. BUT, their strictly basic vocabulary limited their ability to thrive in school. It also limits their options in other areas of their lives. For example, acquiring a job, further education, and even, getting promoted on the job.

So, where do you stand? Do you consider yourself an expert speaker, or do you merely get by? How is your vocabulary? Is it limited, or do you have the right word for every situation? If it is limited, or not as advanced as you would like, if you are merely getting by, would you like that to change? Are you stagnating because you think that you have to have an extended education to have an extended vocabulary? Or that an extended education means that you will automatically have an extensive vocabulary? It's not true, so don't stagnate anymore.

The long and short of the story - you want to know more words, but it's too hard, too time consuming, too boring. Wrong. This program is easy to use. Just listen and learn. Pop your MP3 audio CD into your car stereo or portable disc player for ten minutes a day, and watch your vocabulary grow!

One of the best ways to remember things is with mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices are things that help you to remember words. For example, taking the first letter of each word in a phrase or grouping and making a sentence, like My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas, to help you remember the nine planets in order from the sun, (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) or turning the first letters into another word, like USA for United States of America. Mnemonic devices can also be rhymes or imagery, or anything that helps you remember. This program shows you a mnemonic device for every word.

I know you'd like to hear more, so please, read on.

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